Do you know that others will remember how they "feel" around you before they remember what action you took or words you used?
The human experience will anchor back to a feeling state in the process of recall before a visual, auditory (pictures or sounds) will emerge in memory. In other words, people, including co-workers, subordinates, superiors, vendors and customers will associate an experience with you that will answer the question- " Do I like this person?"
How Can I Be More Likeable?
Put your technology away and give your full attention to the other person when they are asking for it. Eye contact and truly being present to someone costs nothing except a moment of your time.
Find one thing about the "other" that you can accept or even "like" about them. It does not mean you have to share their politics, religious beliefs or be their best friend; it only asks you to move into objectivity long enough to see one aspect of them that you can appreciate.
Finally, take time to acknowledge the "other" when they have performed well. This could be a small compliment or a big one. It could come unexpectedly or in a public forum. As human beiings, we focus on what is missing all to often instead of refocusing our attention on what is working or appreciated in our fellow employees.
A Major Force Behind Your Success
Emotions Are Contagious
Bad Attitudes
Can Be "Spread" Like A Virus
Where Do You Spend Your Emotional Energy?
Whether you engage in negative or positive emotions,
science now can demonstrate that others can and DO experience your "moods"
and are impacted by them. Every emotion we experience has a corresponding physical reaction within the body.
Frustration, anger, sadness and other "emotions" can be identified and even tracked with the proper instrumentation, as demonstrated by Heart Math , an international organization dedicated to increasing awareness of Heart-Brain connection. Research shows the our "electromagnetic field" can be felt by others....
Consider the obvious: What emotions are you "spreading" to others, even unknowingly?
We become what we think about.
People who traffic in passive aggressive behavior are often lacking self esteem or confidence.
You may not be able to change their behavior, but you can change your own reaction.
Don't feed the monster
Listening to the Passive Aggressive in silence co notates agreement. If someone is acting in a way which undermines team effort , it is your responsibility to address their behavior by providing taking a position.
Create Accountability
Remember what motivates a Passive Aggressive is escaping responsibility for their choices. As long as you stand by without addressing their negative behavior, you are condoning it!
Stand Your Ground By Stating Your Position
If faced with a passive aggressive sniping, be the professional by stating your observation or opinion in the most positive language you can think of
It Sounds Like This!
“He sucks up to the Team Lead every chance he gets. What a loser. You watch, before you know it, he will be talking trash about us too.”
Your response
“I think he is good at what he does. He also is not afraid of suggesting new ideas. As far as I am concerned, my reputation stands on its own merit.”
3 Ways
To Disengage
Passive-Aggressive CoWorkers
Three Ways To Shift Your Mood
and Your Stress
When we “feel” emotions our body responds in kind.
If you experience fear, for example, your body’s
response is to prepare you for “survival”.
Your brain kicks into a flight reaction that sends
hormones into your blood stream to help you cope.
Originally, this flight or fight response was designed
to keep us safe from physical predators that
threatened our very lives by speeding up our
nervous system and readying our body for survival.
However, in our modern society, we no longer have
to contend with bears, marauding tribes or other
environmental threats on a daily basis.
Our circumstances of changed, but our brains are still hardwired to keep us safe.
The new reality is our fears emerge as stress in our everyday world: being late to work, a rude driver that cuts you off on the highway, a project deadline that you did not anticipate, family illness. You live in a world that is moving faster and faster with increasing demands on your physical wellbeing. Integrating new habits to support stress reduction are below. Try them today!
3 Quick and Easy Ways To Reduce Stress
The Shake and Bake Method
You can sit down for this one. The first and only step is to SIMULTANEOUSLY “shake” both sides of the body including hands and feet back and forth ( imagine waving hello to someone) at the same time. This “bi-lateral” movement short circuits signals in the brain that are creating a stress response. Imagine unplugging your pc when it gets stuck and then plugging it in. It allows you to “reboot” your system. Your body will feel refreshed and mind clearer.
Looking Positive Method
Sit in a chair and keep your chin parallel to the ground below you. Now, raise only your eyes to look at the ceiling and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat this action 3 times in total over a period of 3 minutes to begin to experience a “softening” of your stress in the body. Eye movement in this direction stimulates the parasympathetic nerve system, which delivers a calming effect within the body.
4 Square Method
Holding our breath as well as shallow breathing are key factors in maintaining a stressed body. Often times we do not know we are doing so. This technique of yogic-breathing will oxygenate the body, relaxing the muscles that are holding you in the grip of a stress response. It is so simple to use anywhere and anytime. Here is the method:
Breath in through the nose on a count of 4
Hold your breath for 4 counts
Release that breath as you count to 4
Refrain from taking another breath for 4 counts and begin again
I would recommend doing this exercise a minimum of 15 times, which is the equivalent of 1 minute