creating workplace community
one choice at a time
We don't do cookie-cutter!
Our commitment is to your unique needs.
Custom designed program for one day
or one year.
The Right Stuff
Personalized approach
Specific to an industry or discipline
The Next Step
Meet with decision makers
Craft your proposal
Design and Deliver Success

" Excellent presenter,
whose role playing and interactive approach were very powerful ways
to learn how to deal with difficult people I work with."
Family Benefits Program, Albany, New York
Applied Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence Series I,II,III
Self-Awareness and Accountability
Body Language & Micro-Expressions
Conflict Transformation Technique
Building Connections: Rapport Building
Leading an "internal state" with others
5 Different Learning Preferences
Passive-Aggressive/Aggressive/Assertive Styles
Personal Style Series I,II,III
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ( MBTI)
Harrison Inner View Behavioral Assessment
Work Style & Preferred Work Environment
Contributions to the Organization
Communication Style
Leadership Style
Potential Pitfalls
Learning Style
Problem-Solving Approach
Reactions Under Stress
Suggestions for Development
Identifying New Pathways of Performance
Increasing Accountabililty
Civility in the Workplace
Appreciative Inquiry
Insights to Body Language and Reading People
Behavioral Styles: Passive-Aggressive, Aggressive and Assertive
Creating Trust and Resilience
Working with Difficult People
Delegation Techniques
Personal Ethics
Setting Expectations
Transitioning from Peer to Leader
Redirecting Gossip and Sabotage
Facilitating Meetings Effectively
De-Stressing at Work
Upending Us versus Them Mentalities​
Performance Improvement Coaching
Choose From
Small Group Training
(up to 10 in one group)
Large Group Training
(up to 25 in one group)
On- or Off-Site Venues
Half day delivery
(1- 4 hours of facilitation)
Full day delivery
(4-8 hours of facilitation)
Support materials included in pricing
Online Assessment Center

"The facilitator is top notch. She is able to speak to a group of strangers and make the audience feel at home.
She uses real examples to bring the points together.
I thoroughly enjoyed her program on Peak Performance in the workplace today."
Onondaga Community College