Are you stuck with a tough decision? Use the technique that helped make Thomas Alva Edison one of the greatest inventors of our time.
Intuitive Intelligence is a business skill that you can use today to improve your decision making
Intuitive intelligence is not a gift, as some would claim, but a process in which you can obtain hidden or invisible sources of knowledge and wisdom at a moment’s notice. The greatest leaders and innovators of history were known to use this ability, but until recently, it has been seen as something to be avoided or suppressed. The trick? Begin listening to your “gut instinct”. It has created innovative breakthroughs in science, saved the lives and fortunes of great men and women throughout history.
The next time you get stuck, consider trying what Thomas Alva Edison would do….put your list down, stand up and allow yourself 5-10 minutes of letting your mind wander. Stepping out of linear thinking mode, and into what may be closer to an alpha state, the mind begins to access data that is out of conscious awareness. Before you know it, you may have the answer you are looking for.