Mary Schechter
of theintuitiveorganization (TIO), is a consultant, trainer and coach
who is dedicated to maximizing employee development, organizational wellness and
personal potential. Offering on-site facilitation/training, consulting and individual
coaching in the areas of employee retention, productivity, performance coaching
and assessment, her focus is applied NLP in the areas of personal and group leadership.
While working side-by-side with decision makers, TIO transforms business culture from the inside out- applying Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)& intuitive awareness/development technique to all areas of employee productivity & retention.
As a Master NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Practitioner, she combines her expertise in Internal State Awareness Development (ISAD) with NLP to create a unique approach to personal and organizational breakthroughs.
Those breakthroughs have been sustainable and tested through time. Working with individuals and organizations from the inside-out, TIO is wholly committed to finding the core issues within the interpersonal dynamic of your key leadership teams.
Once those patterns are identifiable, the healing process begins: self awareness, personal accountability and skill development all centered on the recognition that any organization is no healthier than its' weakest link.
TIO is responding to the clarion call to integrate mind-emotion-body in ways which are innovative in the workplace. We understand that in this fast-paced economy, it is more important than ever to find a quick and effective "line of sight" to ones inner balance.
TIO has embraced cutting edge practices and technology to support that process at every level of our client companies.
I can’t even begin to articulate all she has done for this practice. She began working with our senior leadership team – Harrison Inner View/ Team building. Through the desire of the leaders, some wanted one-on-one coaching on how to be more effective leaders. Mary was so effective in her role, we expanded services to include all levels of leadership.
Mary is outstanding at organizational development – helping leaders and staff understand the dynamics of themselves, their work groups, outline winning strategies, development strategic initiatives, learn how to focus and prioritize and especially how to communicate with difficult coworkers.
Mary is very bright, insightful and wise. She understands human behavior at a level most others do not – and coupled with all this, she has a very sound understanding of business and what it takes to be successful.
I would recommend Mary in an instant – your organization will not be the same when she is done - she’s like a transformation guru!
Maryann Roefaro, MS, FACMPE
Hematology-Oncology Associates of CNY
HI have been working with Mary off and on for about 6 years now. From a reformed skeptic of her methods I can only highly recommend her to you. I have seen firsthand her ability to transform individuals into highly intuitive and functioning leaders and employees into highly performing and productive teams. I have worked with Mary one on one and also as a member of the senior leadership team here at HOACNY. I have also worked with her with my own department and have seen tremendous individual and interpersonal growth.
To put it simply as to what she does is that she helps you understand yourself. She goes beyond your strengths and weaknesses to a point where you understand why you behave and act the way that you do. Once you understand yourself, you can then begin your journey towards self mastery. I know how it sounds and believe me I was a big skeptic when I started this process, however it works! I have seen the transformation in myself and others that have gone through this process.
What Mary does works and I can only give her the highest recommendation. You will not be sorry by having her work with you.
Jonas M. Congelli, RPh
Director of Pharmacy
Hematology Oncology Associates of CNY
Mary Schechter, of The Intuitive Organization, is a true professional.
Her trainings are on target for today’s diverse workforce.
Continuing Education at JCC contracts regularly with Mary to provide a diverse schedule of trainings for the area’s workforce to attend. Topics are focused on soft skills, leadership skills, and better ways to communicate with both external and internal audiences. Her trainings are well received by our customers. In fact, one person recently wrote, “I am better for experiencing this class. Loved the interaction and hearing from others about their experiences. Mary was wonderful. I am looking forward to future trainings with her.” Mary shows interest in the needs of our organization from start to finish. I would recommend her to your organization for future trainings.
Andrea Pedrick, Director of Community Services
Continuing Education Division
Jefferson Community College